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Senate Committee on Faculty Development, Diversity, and Equity (SCFDDE)


The Senate Committee on Faculty Development, Diversity, and Equity (“SCFDDE”) (i) identifies and promotes best practices for faculty development, mentoring and work environment to facilitate faculty success at all career levels; (ii) evaluates and advocates processes for faculty recruitment, promotion, and retention that promote diversity equity, and work/life balance for the faculty; (iii) monitors the status of faculty development, mentoring, diversity and equity; and (iv) issues periodic reports on the activities and findings of the committee that makes recommendations for implementation.

SCFDDE 2024-2025 Membership

  • Hydar Ali (Dental Medicine)
  • Antonella Cianferoni (PSOM/Pediatrics)
  • Nelson Flores (GSE), Chair
  • Carmen Guerra (PSOM/Medicine)
  • Krithika Lingappan (PSOM/Pediatrics)
  • Davesh Soneji (SAS/South Asian Studies)
  • Ex officio:
    • A representative of the Senate Tri-Chairs
    • Sherrill Adams, Dental Medicine, PASEF non-voting member

Specific Charges, 2024-2025

The following charges reflect the work of the Senate Committees for 2024-25.  Each committee is asked, when undertaking its work, to maintain the Faculty Senate’s ongoing commitment to addressing all systemic forms of inequity.

  1. Working jointly with SCOF, explore how the Faculty Senate could more effectively represent the interests of non-standing faculty, with attention paid to the following: differences in the composition of the non-standing faculty across schools and departments, the fact that there are both full-time and part-time non-standing faculty who teach in programs, centers, and departments, and the potential impact of better representing non-standing faculty on the ability and effectiveness of the Faculty Senate to represent standing faculty.
  2. Working jointly with SCOF, develop a proposal to revise the title and description of ranks currently within the ‘Academic Support Staff’ category (Faculty Handbook Section II.B.) and explore if and how to replace that category with a new teaching track that acknowledges the pedagogical work done by individuals hired in this track and seeks to identify improved professional pathways for faculty who currently fall under this category. 
  3. Review and comment on data from the 2022 Faculty Survey received from the Office of the Vice Provost for Faculty, with a specific focus on data that may reflect and/or reinforce inequalities related to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, and more, where appropriate.
  4. Continue to gather and examine data that can help to identify trends in gender, race and ethnicity in division, department chair, and deanship leadership at the University over the past five or more years, with the goal of eliminating such disparities
SCFDDE Reports